Ojone Evaluation of a Startup in the Automotive Connector Sector


The subject of this business case revolves around a startup company specializing in the design and production of connectors and cables tailored for the automotive sector. The venture originated as an incubation project from a renowned Indian university, benefiting from a robust advisory panel comprising experts in electrical, mechanical, and materials engineering.

Category: Tech
Location: india
Date: 11 Apr 2024


  • Founding & Expertise: The startup is founded and bootstrapped by five individuals with commendable track records in the automotive industry. Their experience and domain knowledge serve as a solid foundation for the venture.
  •  Product Specialization: Given the intricacies and standards of the automotive sector, the company has navigated the complexities of obtaining requisite certifications, ensuring product compliance with industry-specific standards.
Ojone Evaluation of a Startup in the Automotive Connector Sector Prob
Ojone Evaluation of a Startup in the Automotive Connector Sector Approach

Market Dynamics & Challenges

  • Customer Engagement: While the company has managed to garner interest from potential customers willing to conduct tests, it hasn't secured any paying clients yet.
  •  Scale & Sector Expectations: The automotive industry in India demands suppliers capable of manufacturing at scale. However, the startup currently lacks the required scale to meet these industry expectations.

Financial Projections & Funding Requirements

  • Initial Funding: The company seeks an investment of $3 Million in its first year, offering a 10% stake. An additional $10 Million is projected for the 13th month in exchange for a 7.5% stake.
  •  Revenue Forecast: The startup anticipates revenue of $500,000 in its inaugural year, with a significant jump to $4.5 Million by the second year. The breakeven point is expected in the fourth year, coinciding with a targeted Series-A funding round of $50 Million.

Ojone's Evaluation & Decision

  • Value Proposition: Ojone's core competency lies not merely in funding but in co-creating value for startups within its portfolio. After thorough evaluation, Ojone determined that the startup's primary need was funding, surpassing the incubation stage Ojone specializes in.
  •  Valuation & Market Landscape: Given the highly competitive nature of the automotive connector market, coupled with the narrow profit margins projected by the startup, Ojone perceived the valuations as unattractive. The scale at which the company aimed to operate seemed ambitious, especially without a solid customer base or proven revenue stream.
  • Final Decision: Considering the market conditions, financial projections, and the startup's current stage, Ojone opted not to engage with the company. The incubator believed that while the venture had potential, the associated risks and the alignment with Ojone's value proposition did not justify the investment.


This case underscores the complexities involved in evaluating startups, even those backed by expertise and incubated at esteemed institutions. While the subject company exhibited promise and domain knowledge, various factors, including market competition, financial projections, and alignment with investor values, influenced Ojone's decision-making process. Such evaluations are crucial for both startups seeking investment and incubators like Ojone striving to create value and foster innovation.

Ojone Evaluation of a Startup in the Automotive Connector Sector Approach

Author Name : Sundar Ramakrishnan